These jesus freaks went to the expense of printing jesus literature on large hundred dollar bills and i folded into a fan on the corner at the Bellagio Hotel & Casino in Vegas. 

Then i asked a desparetly looking woman what "Jesus" was and he said he was the son of god...
Then i asked where he lived...and she said in the kingdom in space
Then i said what does he want with me and she said to take him in...
TAKE HIM IN, and then I'm like ya ill take him in with a  bloody dildo and some anal lube.....

then i asked her for some gum...didnt have none...i asked for money....Jesus would pray for me,....then i said i need to wash my self I'm gonna go buy some body wash from the Hotel...of which she then chased me into a crowd of people on the fountains and walked back to the corner listening to Judas by lady gaga...then found some black girls with marijuana...

Jesus is a nice story to tell i think...but it doesn't work today...the idea of it will leave u broke, sober, and used...

The Airport near the strip has a damp lawn that is perfect for viewing airplanes land with a  backdrop of pretty casinos...
Virgin Atlantic landed its Boeing 747 and it was like the titanic making a splash compared to the little  models that southwest flies in at low fares and convenient schedules.
Im relocating to LA in exactly a month. There i will cool off at the beach and let my worries fall...there i will rise from the ashes and move on a to a new dimension of my life where i will have contacts, acquaintances and a general direction of how I'm going to earn money.  

Invisibility will be very big this fall...Karl Lagerfeld won't know what to do..

A nice decrepit woman interview me today at McDonalds...
She is sure i look like Rod Stewart
And was alarmed to learn that frying a potato kills it
She also thinks eating will make me voluptuous
which is why stick figures shouldn't dance..

maybe a howl from a hill somewhere as a feathered bird in the dark alone with bottle of alcohol.....

The circumstances of the subject there is nothing we can do due to the relative entitlement of the public, you the sponsor take  back are a target of crime amongst the desperate youth of America and it's animosity.

Sent from my iPod

I was followed today by the cast of harlem nights also known as colored people to the WHOLE FOODS in Town Square at the airport in Las Vegas. I was feeling very spiritual like giving myself away to a higher power and waddled over to the email list and i was just about to enjoy some more massage oil when webster the nigger midget step on my ankle leaving a black smudge.  CHILDREN! Nigger children near me,, but then i see the mother guerrilla.  there i was in whole foods rumble in jungle.  the feces throwing breeder attempts a scream match and i was ready to kill her and her kids... a nice employee comes over and i insist they remove that guerrilla and her children out of here and away  for me XICO.


Abortion for Minorities

Shooting mouths out of your vagina is my direct target right now.  They really need to be thinned out
and rejected. Im looking at the black and the mexicans. They get on board with these little minds and start poking at people different form them like a piece of dough in a pizza parlor. Not only in Vegas but this has happened to me all over the world. 

"If I'm short then please just abort"-Me

Project radical inclusion has been biting at my ankles for a few years now. It revs its engines with minuscule details of my whereabout like a electronic monitor...of which i don't understand and know nothing about because i haven't been convicted of any crimes  in the past and am not under any court ordered probation or parole....

I guessed the name after feeling more than annoyed of  filing down my hooves for a walk to the store and am also  guessing that some deranged crazy old man out there is muffler munching as a excuse to try and change the world,... 

I say:
Dump the monitor.!!!.with technology like that its probably costing them Hundred of Thousands of dollars where the country will never change and that is a opportunity to buy real estate in  Italy
That "Social Project" is making money for other people by using Hype to sell products that include the common consumer..cups of coffee, gas, electronics...

Today i was almost hit by a truck on the street as i was crossing the street and he just wouldn't stop. but this is the example i need to nail first in court with a good defense attorney. 
I am attempting to understand what kind of sick selfish person really believes that "THE WORLD" will see them..most of these people probably haven't left the city, state or country and are confused in love by being the little princess of a gang of people
who clearly own a pet.  Hope for the truth and count your blessing because your going to be say that truth in court when your selfishness is tested by a starved criminal who wants nothing more than to take that tiara from your head and sell it to another country as a ally of a much big problem: Minority overpopulation, house funding for teenage crack whore families and no rights for alternative lifestyles of which want nothing to do with people like that.


The circumstances of the subject there is nothing we can do due to the relative entitlement of the public, you the sponsor take  back are a target of crime amongst the desperate youth of America and it's animosity.

Sent from my iPod

"let me see my DAUGHTER!" -Rapist

Besides being left alone for not having gas money or weed money i am attempting to relate to the world.

                   TO PAY FOR OUR SINS.

Common Interests i have:
Music: Anything but Rap
Sexual Orientation: Male Female GLBT
Food: Chines, Mex, Italian

So that a start to contacts that i will be making in the future...anyway its cloudy today and i live outside and am threatened with wet conditions and cold. Makes me wonder why it rains  and i think back to when there was no people on coffee shops, no malls, no stores, no cars..and how life sustained itself without irrigation and the interruption of so called civilization.
The clouds would float over barren regions like now iceland and antartica and pour down water in a harmony of a stable environment. Now i believe the untamable planet is tossing and turning with the rapid delevopment of people their homes, and a carbon foot print.
My favorite souvenir from Vegas will be the scent of my hair in the shower after a night in the lot..
I wonder how the clouds would react to a power outage in downtown Las Vegas with a looming thunderstorm approaching...

I was a Natural Resource Vocational Student in High School, I spent 4 years learning Agriculture, Plants, Animals, Competitions. And Googled it. And clicked natural disaster relief because i don't need a paying job because of the drama...
and would be a part of the red cross helping out...and i found that that whole city destroyed by a tornado in Missouri had 
a FFA Chapter...i emailed MR sympathies...
The New Casino Aria in Las Vegas has this fabulous tubes in the Crystals City Center. I went to worship it and found a
 family of white people with children posing near it and then asked them where they were from...


They were probably on a religious I'm going to let my children be surrounded by drunks and vampire
fashionistas in the desert at the edge of the world.
Safe for U.

Theres something Ironic about animalistic partying in Vegas and Bible Values...
Thou shall not mount the Holy Tornados in a  Billion Dollar Establishment
Thou shall keep beliefs to self or get shanked..
I think of some more...

ill have time to think I'm my homeless ness
this picture here is threatening enough.
Old Saint Nick: Poor, Ugly, Fat, Nosy, Shootable, Kidnapable, Shankable, Ugly,....
any ideas yet? Personally i am surrounded by useless tag alongs whose desperation will only be
replaced by a sad resignation or murder.  Hyding in the shadow of some deranged drugged out state probably
following me as a hobby or on the request of some stranger in space net...

Today its cooled in vegas, hazy fog, and the usual tag alongs at starbucks..i think someone grabbed my bag in
my sleep and marked this computer...thats about 100 shanks and lashings but i will never catch them...

Im visiting Summerlin this weekend. It is on the other side of the strip near death valley in nevada. supposably there 
is a rivalry between communities. I'm near the dam right now...neutrol of course i am only concerned about getting
a roof over my head,,then i can start some childish shit  in public or at least understand it..BAT SHIT!
I found a comfortable cement ditch to sleep in when i feel like napping during the day. Keeps me sane and unalloyed...feelings of shanking people don't cross my mind when I'm alone in a cement tunnel..with alcohol and a gun. :)

I am contemplating work. I am already comfortable living on nothing...and want to spend my days doing something i enjoy 
and if i  get rewarded for it then that is just the icing on the steak.  

!im thinking about specializing in Treason,,,i really am starting to hate the people who micromanage things...fat lazy...over fed...useless.
i bet i could sell hotdogs in London Molester Square while swirling my scotch and shanking tourists...

I just streamed Oprah's trip to Indian slums...ill think of it next time the extent of the control America has over its
dog pounds. ill blog another time about the guinea pig and lab rat I've been for the land of the free. personally i 
think the kids in the bakery at Albertsons are selling cheesed salt lick bread inspired by me.  not to mention 
the homosexuals though sometimes i forget that is the silver lining that keeps me from joining a sweat shop
in China for Pho Noodle or a value meal.   I should just suck cock at a bath house... I'm getting my palm read by
a drag be right back.

I'm done...get my shack and a good wireless connection. fuck the easter bunny I'm gonna plant me some bombs

i think someone asked me if i was gay yesterday while I'm trying to therapyize myself and side...
i went on a shanking parade...from here to the mexican store to the gym where i do laundry.
and texted some friends in bay to shank any shipments from China and SHARE with CHER...
why should crazy starve in  a ditch when we could just cancel workshops in "OTHER" countries.

Take care of your own shit