Andre Agassi gets his bio spewed on the walls at my newfound chain of gyms 24 hour fitness..and i realized that i dont care..i just compare myself to drowning my viruses in that boiling jacuzzi of a hot tub that makes my arm pits smell like chlorine. im not cooking actually but i did metaphor it too throwing sea animals in that boiling pot to get my protein shrimp lobster...maybe  a about whaley seballis,,,,mmmm it makes me hungry to think of what i could cook....
as i was strolling the new models at FORDMODEl.COM i thought of the casinos in Las Vegas i didnt question when the hell did they get the highest end of fashion? Werent they all cards and booze? The last city i was in  that had a Dior dealership was San Francisco and after i fled to the bowels of Rancho Cordova Sacramento it really gave the living dead a whip.
So im putting faces to fashions brands and understand that the next best designer cuts and threads will be seen in Las Vegas Casinos and wont compare to the chains of walmart target and food for less because some of us are really FREE. Mentally

ive been sleeping alot in my roach motel room. there is only so much i can do anywhere whether its vegas or the moon. i really dont have money and sometimes the hookers on the street make me feel lazy. soi need t find  a job.  but i haven't had any indication of being brought into to anything else besides a hospital of which i think is a good idea. im failing everything and i  am so unprepared  but within the next two weeks there will be some change in the circumstances as i explore the wider Nevada area looking for something to fall into..
...Becuase of cell phones and my psychic thankful that my sores will heal,, im thankful that my feet fungus be so nasty that they still  dont know what the new race will be called, im thankful i got cigarettes to stifle all the thankful all my family is dead so i aint got to buy thankful u cant tax student thankful im still douching suppositores and lub from hookups in SF out my ass.  Im thankful if i can find a place to sleep outside where no one steals my blankets.. thankful u know what sarcasm means so im changing my name to 1st and the 15th...
I scrubbed a canker sore with the cheapest soap i could find at target and the whole area peeled off.  After a cancer scare i walked back to my roach coach near fremont street in vegas and doochedut a suppositori aswell,,,wtf!
So much to look at ..
Me and my babies.. i mean warts...or i have nipples  in places that i should use
the only difference is meth and a shoe string
oh look guess the bart riders in San Francisco get to laugh at the greedy Kar people while they smell all the farts from the black people cuz the bridge AINT BUILT YET....
Suck it Jesus!
i've been offering hand jobs to many muscular men on the internet and only get fat guys who love to get their Adam's apple tickled by my bent pole...try a banana or money i mean monkeys...functionally u need the equipment....and i got a flat ass and a bloody ill get back to u....