im in  a abad mood..what put me there was actually that  a  couple of cops came to search the dump and piles of garbage of where i rest my little head .i thought they would see me through the bushes and hid under the  rags...i just saw tere  heads over a small dirt hill and realized the locals were trying to get me arrested so i went to starbucks and made a to do list:
So im sure getting a passport and moving to Ontario should cut the umbilical and vaporize the bottom feeders. Meanwhile i hope we can share listening to a new podcast that is completely free and a waste of breath by Drew Droege called Glitter in the Garbage.

Subcribe on your own iPod. and comment on here if u have something to say..

-Otherwise i willl hunt you down and cut u up into pieces then dig you a  shallow grave in the field and then police will come out there next time with SHOVELS to uncover evidence of your dead body.
Doesnt seem anytime soon, at the mall i see people still buying crap...starbucks is still a highschool cafeteria but i am getting comfortable with sleeping outside...and i am  lot less stressed from when i used to do months at a dirty motel hearing ghosts through the walls seep into my thoughts and drive me crazy in my frustration to do something that will earn me something real like a wardrobe, a regualar drug habit or a muscly prostitute on I dont see any of that happening before im thirty...and i can go north to escape the poverty of the minority masses but brave freezing winters in seattle or stay in la and find a nice cave where i can sleep in by the polluted pacific becaches of the west coast.
Las Vegas disgusted me.,.the streets are polluted and the homeless on the bus dont have any good drugs..the Casinos suck and i only have enough money to eat...i havent been to any gay clubs because i look like a drifter with a big ruck sack drifting from port to port...eating out the trash not really looking for friends...just waiting to move to la..
Any other major changes?
No, nothing going to start working out again
I get the feeling by looking at LA from a satellite in space that i could spend a lifetime there...but not well; -poor unemployed and diseased. Either way i have to get the hell out of the desert in nevada before the heat comes and its just me a pass port and stolen clothes from hollister.
For now the weather is perfect in las Vegas..warm days despite the winter...alone with my memories and thanks to a high dose of medicine i remember what regret feels like...thinking back to those days when the road was just not there..all i neededd to do was get up and leave...and always will...