im in  a abad mood..what put me there was actually that  a  couple of cops came to search the dump and piles of garbage of where i rest my little head .i thought they would see me through the bushes and hid under the  rags...i just saw tere  heads over a small dirt hill and realized the locals were trying to get me arrested so i went to starbucks and made a to do list:
So im sure getting a passport and moving to Ontario should cut the umbilical and vaporize the bottom feeders. Meanwhile i hope we can share listening to a new podcast that is completely free and a waste of breath by Drew Droege called Glitter in the Garbage.

Subcribe on your own iPod. and comment on here if u have something to say..

-Otherwise i willl hunt you down and cut u up into pieces then dig you a  shallow grave in the field and then police will come out there next time with SHOVELS to uncover evidence of your dead body.

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