you know when they were trying to come over and civilize this area {california} a long time ago like only 200 years ago from Washington...and now its a joke because of all the minorities and subsidized housing not to mention the good real estate taken over by established professionals all over the world?
California is el segundo to florida for retirement areas...they have established investments that dont even compare to my immigrant past, status and future...
the longorias are dead...
the jurados are dead...

and the portmans are homeless....
so i thinking about whats left and that is probably nothing besides a forty hour a week a state with lower income taxes.
the world is guaranteed to in die in 50 years...Natural Resources will be depleted to the point of a civil war..and thats great because i  might have found a home by then...and at least point me in the right direction...
everyday cars swarm around me in disgust while i try to recycle bottles of drink that people have left....
to ease the pain of homeless nights somewhere...not sad that im not home because only because own one....

but i just want a place where i could just go express myself as a flaming homosexual?
oh the gay clubs still have a place in the world of bussiness...where as i wont go near one...
because people in la are so tired about the whole cause and now my pussy is stuck up some assholes muff....driving away to like canada or something...

Eat, Drink, and be Mary!

The rule is...and has been since i was about 15. 
Ohhhh he sooo cute...
But he probably has accounts connections,,,,,a doctor.....
and the rest of this cess pool is a dog pound of abandoned cock suckers who,,,are about as usefull as a rape whistle.
Ya you might have a good personality,,,but i was left to the bears..
or even ya he has a good body but she sells it to anyone...

so reminding me of why im only hoping for the rapture to come ....

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